If you own a small business and have a vehicle, you may be wondering whether or not you need Commercial Auto Insurance. This type of coverage is needed if you use your vehicle for more than just commuting back and forth to work each day. Having the right amount of...
Rachel Hall
Opening a New Checking Account in Altoona, PA? 4 Must Have Features to Make Your Life Easier
Opening a new checking account is something you need to celebrate. Whether it is your first checking account or an addition to your current account, there are several features you will want to know about before opening your account in Altoona, PA. Get to know the...
CPEThink.com: The Absolute Best in Online Education
As a CPA, you're already familiar with continuing professional education (CPE). Your state or your company may likely require it to maintain your licensures and certifications. Even if CPE training is not required, you may still want to take certain courses just to...
Learn the Way You Want
There are a number of professional careers in which one must maintain ethical standards and practices, or risk losing licensure or even face legal ramifications. Real estate agents, CPAs, accountants, business professionals and more must all navigate what can...
The Various Options Within The 179D Energy Tax Deduction
Throughout development and implementation the 179D energy tax deduction has gone through several changes. One important change for qualifying buildings for leaseholders and commercial property owners is the difference in the percentage of energy savings in the latest...