It may seem that every time you listen to any type of financial report, read a blog from a financial planner or go online there is information on the benefits of refinancing your mortgage. While in many cases this will be true, and with several very good reasons to do...
Rachel Hall
¿Tu aseguradora no cumple después de Irma?
Afortunadamente Irma no se cebó con Puerto Rico como si lo hizo con otras localidades. No obstante, sà que ha habido importantes daños tanto personales como materiales y sobre todo perjuicios debidos a la falta de electricidad. Una vez pasado Irma y según la...
Signs It Is Time to Hire a Bookkeeper
Invoicing customers and accepting payments is probably something you do on a regular basis. Keeping up with these types of transactions is important, especially when it comes time to file taxes. Finding time to do this type of record keeping will probably be hard for...
Military Home Loans Can Save Veterans a Lot of Money
There are dozens of types of mortgages so when you’re buying a home, the best thing to do is discuss these options with a professional mortgage broker. One of the biggest advantages to working with professionals is that they can find you mortgages that you may not...
The Right Office Insurance Policy Protects Your Business from the Unexpected
Most people know how important it is to protect your home, your car, and your life from the unexpected but what about business owners? Shouldn’t they be protected as well? The answer is a resounding YES because businesses have just as much to lose as individuals when...