Raise Funds for Your Business with Crowdfunding

by | Jan 5, 2017 | Financial Services

Have you ever considered how easy it can be to raise funds for your company with crowdfunding services? Crowdfunding itself is the practice of raising funds for startup or small ventures via collaborating with investors and entrepreneurs that already use crowdfunding sites. A startup business can seek crowdfunding equity from willing investors which allows for returns in an investment income as well as additional dividends. If you want to make sure that you remain compliant with SEC regulations it is advised to use to crowdfunding transfer agent that is well-versed in the process and in raising capital.

Crowdfunding Transfer Services Include the Following:

  • The Services of an Expert Transfer Agent
  • Safe Harbor Protection
  • Cost Savings
  • Electronic Stock Certificates
  • Exemplary Service
  • Increased Issuer Networking
  • Registered EDGAR Filing Agent Services

Crowdfunding Is an Excellent Option for Small Businesses and Start-Ups

Using the services provided by an expert crowdfunding transfer agent means that all of your needs will be accommodated. An expert transfer agent will be able to offer you a different type of customer service that includes immediate response times to questions via email or phone, after hour inquiries, a fast processing of requests sent online, new issuances and much more. They will also have the networking possibilities with industry contacts of all types including lenders, attorneys, auditors and brokers, and investment bankers among others.

Rely on Crowdfunding Services Offered by the Professionals

A professional transfer agent will be able to meet all of your equity crowdfunding requirements. This is especially true for companies that have been in the business for many years. They will be able to offer you the most cost effective options at affordable prices. Their customer service is second to none and you can be assured that you will be involved through the entire process so you receive satisfying results. For more inofrmation visit Colonial Stock Transfer Company, Inc.

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